Sunday, August 4, 2013

Numbers dont lie...

Numbers dont lie...

Currently Per the USFA as of August 4th 2013, the fire service has lost 70 members to LODDs. 2012 saw a total of 83. Let me remind you its only august and were 13 short of last years totals. Heres the link if you want to review the information.

So what I would like to do is embark in a 5 part series, the focus will be the top 5 leading killers of firefighters on the fireground, commonly referred to as the NIOSH 5.

The NIOSH 5 are listed in order as:

1. Improper risk assessment (poor size-up).
2. Lack of incident command.
3. Lack of accountability.
4. Inadequate communications.
5. Lack of SOGs or failure to follow established SOGs.

The purpose of this series is to bring some basic knowledge of the basics that are killing us and maybe produce some ideas regarding how to help reduce the numbers associated with them.

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